01 May 2009

You're a Paean, Design

A few months ago, my good (dare I say "best") friend Phil sent me a website layout. Phil, you see, is good at just about everything he does. He's not necessarily what you'd call a "natural" (although he has plenty of talent), rather he simply can't stand the idea of being second best. When he decides to learn something (a sport, a game, a discipline), he doesn't rest until he's mastered it. While I tend to stop at "good enough", Phil continues. He hunts his pursuits: tracks their movements, understands their nuances; chases them until they're captured, killed, skinned. He wears his abilities like fur: they are necessary, and they are trophies.

So when I need anything--even when I don't know exactly what I need--I will ask Phil because I know his passion won't allow him to respond until he's exhausted all avenues. I've asked him for website mockups before, and he's always delivered layouts beyond my expectations. Yet this particular design was different: I hadn't requested it. Phil had tinkered away at a new design for my own personal portfolio, and I'm using this platform to say "thank you."

I've spend the past month building the code. During lunch hours, on weekends, and in between projects I've engineered his design. Electrifying the body, so to speak. So if you have a sec, check out the new look at lovezapp.com and tell me what you think. And don't be nice. Be honest to the point of being hurtful; it's the only way it'll learn.


Anonymous said...

The new look is fabulous ... especially the logo! Nothing beats good friends. I love it. Hope you cats have a great weekend.

Molly said...

I like it.. I don't know if I saw the old one though. The logo is really nice. Would it be possible to make the background of your text part (sorry, I'm not down with html lingo, or whatever you all speak) closer to one of the browns or dark reds of the tree? Something with the super high contrast of the yellow text and the bright black background is making my eyes bounce.

Otherwise, though, I like.