02 August 2008

Zombies Are Dead. Long Live Zombies!

I love zombies. Well, I love zombie stories. Loving real zombies, even in a Platonic manner, would inevitably lead to heart break (and head break, and leg break, and intestine break). And while the books and graphic novels are arguably more entertaining than the movies (I still think the Dawn of the Dead remake and the 28 * Later movies are the best to date, regardless of the "zombies don't run" arguments), I will always grab a zombie flick when we go to the video store, much to Ami's annoyance. But even Ami has to agree that my zombie outfit for Halloween last year was top notch--complete with blood-squirting severed arm (red silly string can wrapped in a shredded dish glove).

So when I find people playing with the genre, it fills me with glee. Here are two videos I've found over the past couple of weeks. One is Zombies reading Haiku poetry whilst in the background carnage unfolds. The other is Zombie puppets singing Dust in the Wind. I'm still giggling.

Zombies reading Haiku

Zombie Puppets Sing Dust in the Wind


Lara said...

You may need this shirt. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=13759279
I told my brother Chris about it, and now he wears it proudly.

You've got red on you.

Pat said...

Don't forget Shaun of the Dead! One of my all time favorite movies and one of only about four movies that's come out in the last three or four years that I've seen more than three times (Hot Fuzz is one of the other ones--Batman Begins is the only other one that comes to mind, so I guess I've pretty much pinned myself down as a complete nerd). 28 Days Later was good for awhile, but then Dr. Who got all crazy and mean and ruined the movie for me.

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