13 October 2007

Comment -- "Moderation is for monks"

Absolutely goddamn right.

First, I'd like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I appreciate, too, the multitude of advice, philosophies, and general observations on getting older. But I think my favourite one came from my uncle Kent: "Take big bites; moderation is for monks." The sayings "live life to the fullest" and "enjoy each day like it's your last" are so common that they've lost their punch. The "moderation" maxim turned on its ear is alluring, not only in its message, but in the way it's worded: direct, creative, refreshing. And shunning moderation--I think--is a pretty good idea, especially if one is born with a bit of common sense. Putting your life unnecessarily at risk is taking a big bite, but it's also stupid. For example, driving blindfolded down the wrong way of a one-way street at speed is probably a big thrill, but it is also beyond the boundaries of what most people might consider an option for something to do on a Tuesday afternoon. And it is personal boundaries that determine what "moderation" is.

I'm reminded of a (I think) Velveeta commercial that aired back in the late 90s. Some cowboys are sitting around a camp fire, and the narrator says something to the effect of, "Some nights, after weeks of hard work, me and the boys like to go a little crazy . . . by putting two kinds of cheese on the cheeseburgers! Yeehaw!" This ad always made me giggle, but it illustrates that "big bites" for some are not so big for others. Skydiving, running with bulls at Pamploma--big bites, I'd say, on all counts. Truly pushing beyond moderation. But this doesn't mean you have to leap out of an airplane to experience a thrill.

Or does it? Actually, now I'm not so sure. What do you think? If moderation is a fence, and we all have one, do we need merely to peek over once in awhile? Or do we all need to achieve certain shared experiences (the skydive, the bulls, hallucinogenic drugs) before we can really claim to be taking a bite? To make it even more complicated, is our tendency to take risks genetically encoded? Did my family name survive because my ancestors said things like, "Titanic? Sounds nice, but you go ahead." or "No, actually, I don't think I can swim to France."

While we ponder, I'm going to drink another pot of coffee, go for a run, and then maybe learn to surf (it's something I've always wanted to do).

Thanks for the advice, Kent. Here's to indulgence.

PS: for those who want to further explore the myth of moderation, check out Barbara Holland's books The Joy of Drinking and Endangered Pleasures


Anonymous said...

I wish I could take credit for the line, but its actually a quote from a book called "Methuselah's Children" written by Robert A. Heinlein. The main character is very long lived guy called Lazerus Long who imparts to us the wisdom he has gleaned from his centuries of life. Its a fun read. Check it out.

Tinbum said...

I'd recommend reading 'Methuselah's Children' also.

Perhaps we get stuck in moderation and routine so much that they become the norm by which we evaluate things by. I've noticed here in London that the conservative attitude is prevalent and it seems to scare people when they see others doing "crazy" things. I challenge them to relax for just one minute and try something unusual. For them, it is taking a "big bite" but for me it is just the norm. Yet it is exciting to see those who have taken up the challenge and stepped outside of their comfort zones, and surely they are enriched because of it.

Still, at the end of the day, we must remember that monks have given us some great, high alcohol percentage, tasty beer. God bless you monks. After drinking this nectar of the godly, we should be less inclined to be moderate and to take big bites.

Anonymous said...

Funny my grandfather once told me the same, "live your life as I want, moderation is for monks", it always kept with me.

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